Food Shelf Photo

Spring Valley Food Shelf Information & Application

SVFS is located at 102 E Jefferson St.

Applications can be downloaded or you may pick one up at the food shelf or at city hall.

Fill the application out and bring it to the Spring Valley Food shelf on your first visit.      

The Spring Valley Food Shelf is open:
Wednesdays 2-4 pm
Saturdays 9-11 am


Questions can be e-mailed to: 

You may also call the Food Shelf at 507-718-9390

Donations can be dropped off at the following places:

1) Foodshelf during normal business hours
2) Our Savior's Lutheran Church.
3) Spring Valley City Hall.


Donations can be made to Spring Valley Food Shelf by mailing them in at the following address, or dropping them off at City Hall.

Spring Valley Foodshelf
PO BOX 83, Spring Valley MN 55975

OR drop donations off at
Spring Valley City Hall
201 South Broadway