Spring Valley Economic Development Authority
Spring Valley Economic Development Authority
The City of Spring Valley has a thriving local economy committed to supporting the local business community. The business talent, investment, entrepreneurial spirit, and home town pride, developed Spring Valley into a great place to live and do business.
The Spring Valley Economic Development Authority has been very influential in broadening the local economy. The Spring Valley EDA’s mission is to assist in the development of small, medium, and large business development related to service, tourism, manufacturing, agriculture, and retail sectors of the economy.
The Spring Valley EDA assists existing business wanting to expand, and at the same time focuses on attracting new industry to the community. The Spring Valley EDA can help facilitate development in our 42 acre industrial/commercial JobZ site (tax exemption status) program. In addition to possible JobZ tax benefits the city has a Local Revolving Loan Fund, Tax Increment Financing Districts, and other financial incentive programs for those who qualify.
These economic development tools and incentives are in place to assist your move to Spring Valley. The Spring Valley EDA would like to invite you to take a closer look at the economic value of doing business in our city.
To visit the EDA website, please click HERE.